Forever A Beta Care
Forever A-Beta-Car E is an essential formu la with vitamins A (bet a-carotene ) and E, plus the antioxidant miner al selenium. Antioxidants are vital in the fight again st free radicals, (chemical molecules that arise from pollutants in the body and which can dama ge healthy cells) Vitamin A has long been recognized as a powe rful nutrient for the sight and the skin. Forever A-B et a-CarE is a specia lly formulated nutritional supplemen t that supplies vitamin A to the body in the beta-carote ne form. The body converts beta-caro tene to vita min A in the small intestine during digestion as and when it is needed . So there is no fear of an overdose of vitamin A, which can be toxic when taken in large doses. Beta-caro tene is also a recognized antioxida nt , making it an ideal companio n for vitam in E and selenium. Vitami n E is an excellent supplem ent for healthy skin too The third ...